There’s a pretty side to protein. Its not all slabs of bleeding red beef, or lean (and lets be frank here, as long as are talking, not terribly tempting) chicken. Protein also comes in pretty packages like Twenty 4 Zen Gluten Free Granola. Our 2 ounce bags are totally portable.
So what’s so great about pretty protein? Well… it keeps the “Call Me Maybe” singer, Carly Rae Jepson in good shape. The Canadian says she has Greek yogurt and granola every morning. And speaking about granola, well that’s pretty perfect too as granola has natural protein, not a powdery mess to that uglifies the nutritional value statement on the side of that “healthy” protein bar you just bought. 1 ounce of oats can contain up to 4 grams of protein! Protein offsets carbs but oats do even more than that.
There is evidence that oats reduce bad cholesterol, you know the bad kind that leads to heart disease. Oats can also lower blood pressure. Oats can also stabilize blood sugar and enhance the immune response to infection. Check out this great article for more information.
The trick is to keep those carbs down. Twenty 4 Zen offers an incredible taste experience at lower carbs, sugars, sodium and fats than other granolas. Zen promotes your piece of mind that our oats are Ohio grown and certified organic and free of gluten.
Twenty 4 Zen is not only pretty protein but perfect protein. Top off your yogurt with a delish heaping of any of our crunch flavors.